Has anyone had any experience with a 68020 processor for the A500? I'm considering buying one as 68030's are a wee bit too expensive for me, and was wondering what kind of speed increases you get with and without 32-bit RAM. Basically, the place I'm buying it from says 3.5x increase with no 32-bit RAM, or 4.7x with it. Since the RAM board costs lots, is it worth getting? The review in Amiga Shopper was different: it said 4.5x without RAM, and a lot more with it. And they were reviewing the _same_ board!! (The HARMs 68020.) If anyone has any comments or results of speed tests (SI, mips, Dhrystones, whatever, preferably alongside that program's result on a plain A500), please e-mail me (don't post to this group - I'm going away on hols for the next 4 weeks & your reply won't be there when I get back!). Thanks, Barry.