hocken%kestrel@AUSTIN.LOCKHEED.COM (R Hockenberger) (02/03/90)
After much in-home listening, I purchased one of the new VTL Stereo 50 power amps and a VTL Maximal preamp. I must say that this combination delivers a very appealing sound quality, and is particularly effective with LP source material. Not long after I took delivery I noticed a spurious static-like noise coming out of the right channel, which was identified by the dealer (after consultation with Luke Manley) as problems with the input tubes of the power amp (6201s) due to shipping damage. The dealer is now in the process of replacing the input tubes and I'll once again have the unit home (after tweo weeks). I'd like to know if anyone has experienced any similar problems with VTL gear, and, if so, how was it resolved. R. Hockenberger (hocken@lockheed.austin.com)