[net.space] vacuum instabilites, gauge theories, interstellar propulsion, and SDI.

creon@AMES-NAS.ARPA (Creon Levit) (12/01/85)


REVISED 11/17/85

SUBJECT:Comments on AFRPL TR-83-067

Alternate Propulsion Energy Sources

TO:ARPANET physics mailing group

FROM:Jack Sarfatti
     POB 26548
     San Francisco,CA 94126
     (415) 398 6690

	Dr. R.L. Forward, author of AFRPL TR-83-067, does an in depth study of
antiproton annihilation propulsion and the zero point Casimir energy battery 
of the abelian gauge U(1) fiber quantum electrodynamic vacuum. However, he 
does not take into account the effect of the other basic nonabelian weak 
flavor and strong color gauge forces on vacuum structure. Consequently, some 
of his negative conclusions, based on the false assumption of a unique 
nondegenerate interacting quantum field vacuum, may well prove premature. (see
Note below)

	The modern theory of the unification of the forces uses the 
mathematics of fiber bundles. Fiber bundles generalize the Cartesian product 
of linear spaces to include global twists. For example, a cylinder is the 
Cartesian product of a circle base space with an untwisted line segment fiber.
But, the nonorientable Mobius strip has the same base space and the same fiber
with a global twist.

	 The internal degrees of freedom, such as weak flavor and strong 
color, are extra dimensions that form fiber spaces erected over events in 
Einstein's space-time. Space-time is the lower four dimensional base space of 
the Yang Mills gauge fiber bundles. Similar to general relativity where 
gravity is the  curvature in the lower dimensional base space-time, the 
electroweak-strong gauge forces are curvatures in the higher dimensional fiber
bundle spaces. The spinor source fields, that emit and absorb the virtual off 
mass shell gauge quanta carrying the forces, are cross sections. Cross 
sections are paths through the higher dimensional bundle space that project to
world lines in the lower dimensional base space-time. Internal symmetry 
transformations at a fixed point in space-time are lifts from holonomic loops 
in time. Thus, physics is geometrodynamical fulfilling Einstein's Vision. 

	The electromagnetic U(1)spherical S(1) fibered vacuum is only the 
first approximation to the real vacuum. However, the vacuum contains zero 
point quantum fluctuations from all the gauge boson field harmonic 
oscillators, as well as virtual pairs from all the fermion spinor fields.

	The second approximation would be the nonabelian U(1)xSU(2) 
electroweak gauge bundle [S(1)xS(2) spherical fiber] with spontaneous 
tachyonic phase symmetry breaking. This is analogous to a ferromagnet in which
the spontaneous magnetization of the ground state breaks the rotational 
symmetry of the action functional. The result is a set of energy degenerate 
electroweak vacua in zero external gauge fields. Applying an external field 
will split this degeneracy similar to the Zeeman effect.

	Further approximations would be U(1)xSU(2)xSU(3) incorporating the 
color strong force that binds quarks into nucleons and mesons, followed by the
SU(5) GUT [S(23) spherical fiber] whose X gauge quanta induce proton decay. 
Finally,as far as we know at present, we must include the effect of the 
photino and gravitino supergravity forces.

	Supergravity is the local gauge force induced by supersymmetry that 
causes fermion/boson transitions which were previously thought to be 
impossible because of a superselection rule. Two supersymmetry transformations
yield a translation in space-time. This may lead to some sort of hyperdrive.

	While the first U(1) approximation is inadequate, the second 
electroweak  U(1)xSU(2) approximation may be adequate to the task of finding 
alternate propulsion energy sources. Some SU(3) [S(7) spherical fiber]strong 
color corrections for stimulated beta decay may be needed because it involves 
the weak isospin flip of a d-quark to a u-quark. The two flavor-changing 
charged weak bosons violate parity   (mirror symmetry) by coupling only to 
left-handed spinor matter or right handed spinor antimatter. The neutral weak 
boson conserves both flavor and parity like the photon. Stimulated beta decay 
would use the self-interaction of the weak part of the flavor conserving 
photon to make flavor changing pairs that might flip the d quark to a u quark 
in the nucleon similar to a chain reaction or a laser amplifier. Stimulated 
beta decay, if it can be induced, would be a new alternate propulsion energy 
source and would solve the radioactive waste disposal problem.

	It is also interesting to note that the 't Hooft-Polyakov magnetic 
monopole solution of nonabelian gauge theory has a mixing of the dynamical 
rotational spin of base space-time with internal fiber spins. This could lead 
to quantum action at a distance SDI weapons, e.g. nonlocally induced 
stimulated beta decay rendering nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete.

	The U(1)xSU(2) quantum vacuum of the electroweak unified flavor force 
has a mutable structure determined by the macroscopic quantum wave function (
order parameter) of a relativistic self-interacting weak isodoublet tachyonic 
(imaginary rest mass faster-than-light) superfluid. The small Goldstone-Nambu 
phase oscillations in the tachyonic superfluid give real slower than light 
rest mass to the three virtual gauge quanta that carry the weak force of beta 
radioactivity.  Even the six leptons and the six quarks receive their rest 
masses from the tachyonic vacuum superfluid. The U(1) gauge boson (photon) of 
the electromagnetic force and the eight gauge bosons of the SU(3) color force 
remain massless. The small amplitude oscillations are the real rest mass Higgs
particles. The electric charge superselection rule and the fact that a 
composite tachyon bradyon pair can have zero rest mass implies that the mass 
of the Higgs is 2 to the 3/2 power times the mass of the charged W, i.e about 
224 Gev.The scalar tachyonic superfluid is made out of correlated pairs of 
spinor tachyons - similar to the BCS electron pair superconductor.

	First order vacuum to vacuum phase transitions triggered by an 
external magnetic field from a space-based superconducting magnet might 
provide an alternate SDI space weapon and propulsion energy source suitable 
for interstellar voyages. 

*e.g."...for it seems that these fields are conservative in the sense that 
they only act as catalysts to convert some form of potential energy into some 
other form of energy. Once you have extracted energy from the system by some 
mechanism that changes from an initial state to a final state, you must put an
equal amount of energy back into the mechanism to move it back to its original
state. The vacuum fluctuation fields are therefore not a source of unlimited 
'free energy' (p.6-1)

     "I suspect ... we will find out that the quantum fluctuation energy is 
unusable because of some quantum version of the second law of thermodynamics."

     "We will need to have a 'heat sink' for the quantum energy engine, and 
what can have less energy density than the nothing that makes up the vacuum?"(
p.6-5- from AFRPL TR-83-067)

	The vacuum is neither unique nor immutable nor made up out of nothing.
Contrary to Forward, the quantum fluctuation fields are not conservative.That 
is, the quantum vacuum thermodynamic state space is not a simply connected 
manifold with trivial homology/cohomology. There are closed forms that are not
exact and cycles that are not boundaries. Forward's remark is only valid for 
the simply connected limit when all closed forms are exact etc.  The set of 
vacua are composite structures whose components include a Dirac sea of filled 
negative mass fermion states, virtual spinor particle-antiparticle pairs, 
virtual gauge bosons( virtual particles are off the mass shell, but real 
particles are on the mass shell). There are bradyonic, tachyonic, and 
Wickyonic branches to the mass shell. The Wickyonic branch allows us to break 
the speed of light barrier without violating relativity. We also have an 
imaginary rest mass self-interacting weak isodoublet tachyonic superfluid 
whose instabilities may provide us with large amounts of energy dwarfing even 
antiproton propulsion.

	External gauge fields remove the energy degeneracy of the set of 
vacua. The external fields create metastable vacuum phases partially protected
by energy barriers through which "instantons" quantum tunnel via Wick 
rotations. Wick rotations change the signature of the space-time metric from 
hyperbolic to elliptic. Indeed, my studies of the Dirac equation suggest not 
only bradyon and tachyon free particle spinor solutions inside and outside the
light cone, respectively, but also, as noted above, "Wickyon" solutions that 
can quantum tunnel through the light cone from subluminal to superluminal 
speed with a finite expenditure of energy. 

	Aspect's Paris experiment shows the reality of nonlocal photon spin-
spin quantum correlations over faster than light space-like separations 
between the detections of photons emitted in a double quantum jump. An 
experiment (T. Hellmuth et-al) at the Max Planck Institut in Garching, shows 
the reality of retroactive (backwards in time) "delayed choice" (John A. 
Wheeler) using a Mach-Zender interferometer. Controversy exists over the issue
of the controllability of these nonlocal quantum action at a distance effects 
that violate Einsteinian locality. If these effects can be controlled they 
will have profound SDI impact. 

space@ucbvax.UUCP (12/02/85)

I only understood every other word of your article.  Please send the pure
physics theory to net.physics (or whatever) and give me the translation.