[rec.audio.high-end] "real" story with Tandberg

bob@uunet.UU.NET (Bob Blencowe) (07/10/90)

Does anyone know the "real" story with Tandberg? I was in the audio store
this past weekend and was told that Tandberg is now defunct. The sales
person said that I cannot even get parts to repair my present components.


lrb@rrivax.rri.uwo.ca (Lance R. Bailey) (07/11/90)

In article <4939@uwm.edu>, iex!bob@uunet.UU.NET (Bob Blencowe) writes...
>Does anyone know the "real" story with Tandberg? I was in the audio store
>this past weekend and was told that Tandberg is now defunct. The sales
>person said that I cannot even get parts to repair my present components.

i had the same story when i tried to find out how difficult it would be
to convert a TA open reel from 7.5 ips to 15 (ie: dc motors or not) this May.
i was told to avoid used tanberg, as the company and repairs are no more.
Lance R. Bailey, Systems Manager | Robarts Research Institute
email: lrb@rri.uwo.ca            | Clinical Trials Resources Group
  vox: 519-663-3787 ext. 4108    | P.O. Box 5015, 100 Perth Dr.
  fax: 519-663-3789              | London, Canada N6A 5K8


Tandberg is most certainly in business.  The company in Norway is still
around, but about ten years ago they changed their US. distributor to
Ortofon.  Give the Ortofon people a call, and they will provide parts
for Tandberg gear with no problem.  I called up asking for a replacement
head for my model 64, and they custom made a mount for a 3000-series
head (hand machined out of brass no less!), put a head in it, and shipped
it to me for $75.  Even more interestingly, I could change a resistor and
a capacitor in the bias oscillator and use EE tapes with the machine.  I
have great faith and had great service from the Tandberg support people.
I haven't that much faith in their equipment, but the folks who work on
them know their stuff.