[rec.audio.high-end] Looking for software

A512HJAL%HASARA11.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (Hjalmar Dijkstra) (09/25/90)

Can anyone tell if there's some software for the Apple Macintosh for designing
loudspeakers. I'd like to have a program to calculate for me bas-reflex and
bandpass enclosures for me. A program to calculate filters would also be very
I want to build a 6th order bas-reflex enclosure for a 10'' Philips speaker
I have lying around but I don't have any article or book that describes the
design well. So I'm kind of stuck on this project can anybody send me some
information on how to build a 6th order box.
thanks in advance,
                  Hjalmar Dijkstra  <A512HJAL@HASARA11>
I just bought some real ribbons in Bulgaria for the incredible price of $3.-
a piece. They look a bit like Decca copies to me. The only thing is that I
don't see a transformer with it. The units were manufactured in Bulgaria.
Acknowledge-To: <A512HJAL@HASARA11>

ti@altos86.Altos.COM (Ti Kan) (09/26/90)

In article <6583@uwm.edu> A512HJAL%HASARA11.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (Hjalmar Dijkstra) writes:
>Can anyone tell if there's some software for the Apple Macintosh for designing
>loudspeakers. I'd like to have a program to calculate for me bas-reflex and
>bandpass enclosures for me. A program to calculate filters would also be very

I am currently writing a speaker enclosure design program with a nice
user interface, but it is for MS-DOS.  I have no plan to support the
Mac.  This program, SPKR, supports computing the enclosure volume,
dimensions as well as vent dimensions (for a vented system), given the
Thiele/Small parameters of the woofer.  It supports 2nd order closed
box systems, 4th order vented (in three alignments), and 6th order
vented (also in three alignments).  A frequency response plot can be
displayed.  Driver and enclosure design data can be saved/retrieved
to/from files, and parameters can be altered via a simple menu-driven
editor, to view changes in enclosure specification (and system bass
performance) virtually on-the-fly.  Context sensitive pop-up help
screens are available.  SPKR will be runnable on MS-DOS 3.x systems
with a Hercules-compatible monochrome monitor, and it supports full
color on an EGA or VGA-equipped system.  A minimum of 256KB of memory
is recommended.

I am wrapping up the final coding, and will soon write a complete
manual for it.  Once that is done, I welcome any speaker system
designer/builder to beta test it.  If you are interested in becoming
a beta site, please contact me at the e-mail address or voice number
listed below.  At this point, I have not decided whether to release
it as a commercial product or to make it shareware.  Your suggestions
are appreciated.


Ti Kan | vorsprung durch technik!                                       \\\
Internet: ti@altos.com    Voice: 408-432-6200 ext 4266                   \\\
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