A high-end store in Richmond attempted to sell me a product called Gruv-Glide, which is supposedly a lubricant to reduce stylus/vinyl friction. Now, pardon me for being skeptical, but the stuff smelled suspiciously like a light grade petroleum product, maybe with some heavier aromatics too. Has anyone ever heard of it? Will it do any good? Will it ruin my records? Will it improve my gas mileage if I put it in the crankcase? Another question on my mind: Why is digital jitter the buzzword of the week? Are all audio problems caused by jitter? Don't D/A units reclock everything anyway, so that "jitter caused by interconnecting cables" is a laughable problem? And why don't any of the people talking about jitter seem to have even vague ideas about what jitter really is. Or have I just been reading Stereophile too much? --scott