aboulang@BBN.COM (Albert Boulanger) (12/05/90)
Reply to Kevin Kennedy, *NOT* me. Just posting for Kevin ;-). Kennedy Audio Laboratories C/O Kevin R Kennedy 240 Barker Ave. #8 Lowell, Ma. 01850 Tel:(508)441-1010 12/90 It's that time again, when Kevin rambles on about audio and related subjects. This time I'm going to talk about the Sony CDP-790 CD player; capable of good performance at a rather reasonable price, the Magnepan 1.4 loudspeaker; an easy to drive dipole, suitable for moderately sized rooms, and the Counterpoint SA-12 hybrid power amplifer from a few years back; affordable, quick and detailed without stridency.... I recently concluded that performance of CD players had advanced to a sufficient degree to warrant some investigation. This feeling was further agravated by my friend Paul who recently purchased a Sony Car Walkman CD player that was in some respects better than my older Philips/Magnavox. As I really didn't have a lot of money to invest I looked at players costing under $400 and did some fairly inconclusive listening at a number of stores, but even on the mediocre system that was used the CDP-790 seemed more detailed and neutral than the others, (Magnavox 502, JVC, Pioneer, etc.) and based on this I plunked down my hard earned cash. This player should be available for under $300.00 at any Sony distributor. This player can actually reproduce some depth and ambience without the usual decay into a brick wall at very low levels. Detail is very good and the sound is smooth, clean and fairly inoffensive. It also is loaded with user oriented features that make it very user friendly. The player uses Analog Devices AD1860N DAC's with 18 bits resolution and 8 times oversampling, a very simple one pole low pass filter and a 4558 op amp as an output buffer. I was able to improve the performance considerably by replacing the op amp with a 5532AN. In addition I replaced four 1K, four 220 ohm and two 560 ohm resistors with Resista metal films, and all the film caps with Mallory polystyrenes. I forced the output of the 5532 into class A operation for better linearity by tying 10K resistors from pin 4 to pins 1 and 7 respectively. Other changes I made include Wima 1uF caps across the 47u output capacitors and 0.01uF bypass caps across the 470uF supply decoupling caps adjacent to the DACS. I think that a better version of the AD1860 is available (AN). When I finally get the schematics I plan force the DAC op-amps into class A operation if possible. There is a lot of room for modifications and a tube buffer stage would be easily fitted. Edges are very sharp on the chassis and cover so be careful not get cut. Modify at your own risk, the service manual is recommended and good soldering technique is a must. I recently acquired a pair of used Magnepan 1.4 loudspeakers, and to say that they are a big improvement over my old AR-58S loudspeakers would be a gross understatement. They have absolutely phenomenal transient response and much better overall resolution than anything I have ever owned. It is even surprising to hear the improvement in low frequency accuracy, but best of all, the speaker handles detailed and complex passages without becoming confused and congested. The speaker is very dynamic when driven by the appropriate amplifier - high current capability is a must and amplifiers of over 100 watts a channel at 4 ohms or less may be acceptable. My HK Citation II sadly doesn't cut it, but the modified Phase-Linear DRS-900 I talked about in an earlier letter does a very good job. I'm in the process of designing a mosfet/ tube hybrid power amplifier for these and other low impedance planar loudspeakers. Placement is rather critical and I've found that these speakers must be kept well away from the walls and corners to prevent serious interaction between the front and rear radiation from the dipole. ( I.E. Low frequency cancelation and early reflections. ) I'm rather pleased overall, and am rediscovering a lot of my recordings. I have found that bypassing the fuse improves the sound slightly, but I don't recommend this if you like your music really LOUD or if you have ANY question about the dc stability of your amplifiers! CAVEAT!! A friend of mine recently brought his Counterpoint SA-12 power amp. for me to listen to. I was surprised by its fairly warm, open sound and its ability to drive the Magnepans fairly well. Its one shortcoming is its rather high output impedance (0.9 ohms) or low damping factor which results in somewhat soft rounded bass response with some speakers. Over -all loop feedback is not employed, instead the vacuum tube voltage amplifiers utilize overall feedback and the output stage operates without feedback. Counterpoint claims that any reactive load can be driven and I suspect that it would make a good match with the Quad ESL-63 and U.S Pro-monitor. I recently purchased a Finyl CD kit to find out whether it actually does anything audible to the sound of CD's. The consensus of all five listeners involved over the last few weeks is that it subtly improves the level of ambience and low level detail and in addition almost completely removes a very slight sibilence on voices and a slight edge heard on some CD's. There really isn't any scientifically valid reason that I am aware of as to why this treatment should have any audible effects, but it does seem to do what is claimed for it... For those of you embroiled in the controversy over absolute polarity I refer you to a little known book by R.C. Johnsen and entitled "The Wood Effect" available from: The Modern Audio Association, 23 Stillings St., Boston, Ma. 02210. Cost is $9.00 including shipping and handling. Usual disclaimer: I have no connection commercially with the Association and am not even a member.. I think you'll find the book interesting, informative and thought provoking. I thoroughly enjoyed my copy. Check it out..... Kevin Kennedy