udance@Outlaw.UWyo.Edu (Jonathan J Smith) (12/17/90)
[How about some of you old hands sending me some basic how-to articles like the bias articles? Hmm? -tjk] First of all, please excuse any format problems as i'm using line mode.. Okay I managed to bump into the archives for this list the other day, when i was perusing several sites..(mostly messing around). Well they looked interesting so i retreived all of them (why do things in a small way?? :-)..) talk about a small printout..!!!whew!!.. Anyway over the last several days, I've managed to read through the first 5 digests and the last one (#10, #1-5)... so I've come to know a bit of what this list is about. ****warning potential for a LONG POST** First of all let me congratulate all the members of the list (and the moderator!!) for such an effective job. Most of the discussion lists I've belonged to over the years are either dead or just a lot of arguing with not a lot of real stuff being accomplished!..This appears to be a very happy exception..There has been some wonderful stuff discussed! I already find myself very intruiqed(sp) with the whole concept of high-audio..Most of my bumblings have been mid-audio..such a dissappointment .. Okay I suppose this would be the time for a bit about myself??! *please skip if not interested..its liable to be long..:-)** I am currently a junior in college.. persuing a double degree in computer science and dance both..(hehe well i gotta be different!) My father has been in the space program for most of my life(birth to 19) , which has perhaps encouraged the interest in computers...but over the years I have managed to scrap together some decent (i think) understanding on basic electronics..and a small amount beond(sp) basic electronics.. My mathamatical skills are decent (math is such fun! , not being sarcastic!)..Most of my experience and knowledge in the electronic field is in the digital realm, however... I LOVE to build my own stuff(projects!).. as it is fun and i feel very educational(i learn a lot!). Okay as to music preferences.. I have/own a collection of over 300 classical CD's..(just about all kinds!) I own a record collection of maybe 50 LP's ranging from traditional bagpipe music to new age, through soft rock. Also various and sundy tapes.. ***end personal history*** I would very much like to take the plunge into the high-end audio. I am seeing several obistacals(sp!!) in the path right now.. 1) no real knowledge in this area..!!(major hinderance!) 2) the costs seem to be a little steeper than usual(not that major a problem..there are ways around it!) 3) I'm in an isolated (fairly) place.. I neglected to mention i go to school in Wyoming,US....:-) ---- Okay, now onto the questions time..(warning I ask A LOT of them!!) (If i get bothersome please let me know :-) ) 1) if you were advising someone whom you knew, about aquiring a high-end system for a relativly reasonable price(a student!) but with decent to good sound, what would be your responses, suggestions etc..(not at all afraid to build kits!) (if you feel that this shouldn't be posted to the list contact me directly!) 2) I noticed (maybe it is only me) that most of you out there who are posting seem to have Tube amplifiers and tube pre-amps.. what are te advantages of tubes vs. transistors?? tradeoffs of one vs the othher? I also noted some discussion(briefly) about hybrid equipment.. what exactly is meant by this? 3) Seeing as how I only read the first five and the laste digest.. I never did find out what happened to the project with the sub-woofers.. please let me know. 4) 4) Also , to the person who was discussing/moderating the project on the sub-woofer, if you could suggest some reading one might do to pick up some knowledge about speaker building..this is a possible project if it is feasible! (the material can be somewhat technical especially in the math area). 5)whoever posted all those programs for helping/anyalyzing(sp) speaker designs, if you could send me a copy of all of them or tell me how to go about getting ahold of tem i would appreciate it very much!..(the lotus version would be best!) 6)Any suggested reading on tube amp and pre-amp design?..(good books?) anything on transistor design would be nicce too..(warned you this would be long!) 7) note to the first question.. most of the critical listining would be the classical music and the traditional Irishh and Scottish music!. (if that helps any..) hmm.. okay i can't think of any others right at this moment.. (betcha you all sigh in relief!.. :-) ) guess i'll let you all get on with the good readin.. thanks very much for any and all help!! Jonathan Smith udance@uwyo.corral.edu (bitnet) big NOVICE!!