[rec.audio.high-end] Grado and Leaving it on


On the Grado:
   Yeah, the Grados have tracking problems.  The only thing that I have found
which helps is to put a very low-impedance load on them (like 5K ohm).  It
doesn't help all that much, but it helps some.  Also buying the things by
the case and handpicking them for tracking works somewhat.

On running equipment continuously:
   One other thing to think about with tube amps is that when powered up and
down there is a major temperature difference in the tube itself.  Most
heater failures occur either at turn-on or turn-off time, and you can 
increase heater life by never powering down.  The question is will it extend
anything else (since 6550's usually start sounding oddly long before their
filaments go)?