[rec.audio.high-end] Leaving it on

mico@TRZDOR1.ICO.OLIVETTI.COM (Michele Costabile) (01/04/91)

I have some concern about leaving things on because in case of a blackout
the power supply might be really stressed when power returns with a
potentially troubled waveform.
I have experienced multiple failures in a computer network in such a case,
all of them concerned the power supply. 
Use of a variac might be a sensible solution.
It should at least cut spikes and extra voltage by the same factor
it reduces voltage.
A variac is also a good thing to have when you are testing equipment:
before pushing B+ to the design value see if things are ok at a lower voltage.
A line conditioner seems however a must since leaving components on all 
the time multiplies by a factor of 8 to 10 (i.e. whole day / evening hours)
the chance of seeing something bad coming off the mains.

Michele Costabile

Olivetti Systems & Networks R&D      USA: mico@olivetti.com   mico@oliveb.UUCP
Via C. Colombo, 49                   Europe: mico@olivetti.it
20090 Trezzano s/n MILANO (Italy)    work: +39 2 445701

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