[rec.audio.high-end] Used Tape, Speaker vs Amp


Used Tape:
  Contact Tape Warehouse in Atlanta, GA.  They often carry used tape, and
  if they don't have any two-inch, they can probably suggest a place to
  find some.  I can probably scrounge up some one-inch stuff myself, even.

Speakers vs. Amps:
  The speaker is in most systems the primary source of distortion.  Let's
face it folks: not a single speaker on the market even begins to do a halfway
decent job of signal reconstruction.  This is why many folks suggest that you
spend the majority of your money to buy the best possible speakers, because
even the best possible speakers aren't all that good really.   Good amplifiers
(unlike good speakers) are very easy to design, but unfortunately they are
very expensive to manufacture.  Most amplifiers have what I would consider to
be serious corner cutting.  So I can understand one wishing to spend all their
money on the amplifier instead.  Personally, I spent all my money on records
so I don't have to worry about where to put the few dollars that are left
(mostly rent).