cfishman@PICA.ARMY.MIL (FSAC-FCD) (03/13/91)
Here is some real poop. I have been reading this digest for some time and many have commented on power conditioning. The power companies do generate clean power, but by the time you get it there might be 1000 volt yes I said 1000 volt or more spikes on the line. If you want to provide your audio system with clean power just by a nice Sola (a unit of General Signal) constant voltage transformer. These come in sizes from 30 to over 1000 watt capacities and if you buy them at a hamfest (that's a flee market for ham radio and electronic equipment) they are very cheap. Forget about your fancy audio wizz-bang manufactures conditioners. The Sola's work fine. I would advise that you wire up your system so the primary of the Sola is turned off when you are not using your equipment because they are not 100% efficient and will cost you some money to operate. If you have any questions e-mail to or call Clark Fishman at 201-724-6940 days or 908-852-7416 nights. Elelctronics is my only business...all questions gladly answered.