(Graham;Thomas D.) (05/02/91)
Just got my Mighty Mike kit from Old COlony. Looks like a great tool for measuring/tuning my home brew speakers. The question I have is ragarding a wiring detail on the 1/3 octave Warbler kit include with the system. (Tthe WArbler generates 1/3 octave tone sweeps, 5 per sec, that the Mighty Mike measures). For frequency control of the Warbler it uses a 12 position rotary switch with 12 resistors (instead of a pot). OK, does the sweep of the switch , that connects to pin 12 of IC1d, go all the way to ground, or, just to R115 (619 ohms) and then R115 goes to ground??? Anybody built this thing and know???? Original plan/article was in the Audio Amateur, 1/79. Thanks anyone. PS- probably better if you email me, our usenet server is acting real flakey. Tom Graham