[rec.audio.high-end] Krell or McIntosh for KEF 107

jkim@acsu.buffalo.edu (jae-soo kim) (05/21/91)

Hello, this post is for my friend who does not have his account.

He is trying to upgrade his system for KEF 107/2.
He is considering 

  Krell preamp KSP-7B
        Main amp  KST-100 (class AB,100 W) or KSA-150 (class A,150 W)

  McIntosh C 35 preamp
           MC 7250 Mainamp (class B,270 W)

Unfortunately, he does not have the dealer who has this system 
with KEF 107 in this area.

Krell (main & pre) and McIntosh (main & pre) are on same budget.
He usually listens calssic and Jazz.

Any experiences or comment will be great appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
