rdw89@ecs.soton.ac.uk (Williams RD) (06/07/91)
So many speakers nowadays provide the ability to bi-wire that I would like to know what good people think this does. I can see why driving one half of the speaker from one amplifier and the other half from another would (possibly) do some good, but how does running two lengths of wire from the same amplifier help? Now I don't want answers like "Because it sounds better". There's got to be a technical explanation for this. Surely any voltage drop in the cable due to heavy bass current demand can only _help_ the treble part of the crossover do its job... Email replies would be nice... (If your reason is that good!) ______________________________________________________________________________ Richard Williams, | Department of Electronics and Computer Science, | Southampton University, | EMAIL ADDRESS: Highfield, | rdw89@ecs.soton.ac.uk Southampton. | ______________________________________________________________________________