[rec.audio.high-end] Info wanted on Elipson speakers

jbrink@bcm.tmc.edu (Jacob Brink) (06/14/91)

Hello  fellow-netters,

I've been following the postings in this newsgroup for say about 2
and to much of my suprise I haven't seen anything about Elipson
speakers. Nor for that matter about Bryston amplifiers. As it is,
I own a set of Elipsons (model no. 1303), which are truly remarkable.
They are manufactured in France; the 1303 came out probably 15 years
ago. By popular demand /that is in Europe -:) / upgraded versions
were made, which unfortunately didn't sound a whole lot better. The
basic design resembles a column, about 1 meter high with a footprint
of 30 x 30 cm. Elipson used a three-way system in this model, with
the midrange speaker mounted in a so-called Helmholtz resonator.
This supposedly eliminates all kinds of colouration in this very
sensitive part of the spectrum. As a result, human voices sounds
very "present", quite comparable to what you would get with
electrostatic speakers. The speakers costed me about $ 700 some 5
years back. New they would have been close to $ 2000 a pair. As for
the amplifiers, I noticed that the speaker sounds a whole lot better
when powered by for instance a Bryston or Mark Levinson. I think it
has to do with the decreasing impedance as the frequency goes up
(around 1 Ohm above 10-12 kHz). Power handling is no problem. The
Bryston I own can produce a cool 400 Watts in 4 Ohm, and I tell you,
the only thing happening was that I got funny looks from the
neighbours, like if I was trying to blast away the wall with sound.

My question -- I haven't heard speakers which are a big step up
compared to the Elipsons. Therefore, I'd like to ask all
knowledgeable people whether: a) is there anything better, and b) if
NOT, who knows where I can find a dealer of Elipson speakers?
I appreciate any input.

Jaap Brink --- "always searching for a better sound"
Jaap Brink ----------------------------------------------------------|
|                     Baylor College of Medicine, Biochemistry Dept. |
|                     Houston, TX 77030, JBRINK@BCM.TMC.EDU          |