[sci.virtual-worlds] New newsgroup

davis@community-chest.mitre.org (Dave Davis) (02/02/90)

In article <1553@milton.acs.washington.edu> you write:  
> >Welcome to sci.virtual-worlds. I'm Howard Rheingold. I'll be moderating 
>More than ever, science and technology are held together by


There are several folks at MITRE (also our Bedford, Mass site) that are
interested in this topic.  I look forward to their contributions to
this BBoard.

There is quite a great deal of interest in this area in DoD as the next
step in human interface technology for the mid to late 90s.  Some
research $s are being spent in planning for this.

Some questions I have are: is this one of the next great paradigms for
computing, or will it be an expensive curiosity?  Will it replace most
other visual entertainment media in a few years, or will
cost/complexity blunt this potential?

================================================================= Dave
Davis McLean, VA