[sci.virtual-worlds] What do people want in virtual reality?

Marc de Groot (marc@kg6kf.AMPR.ORG) (02/05/90)

Hello.  My name is Marc de Groot.  I am working at VPL Research.  I have
a simple question for the net:

What do people want to do in virtual reality?  What is your wish list?

Marc de Groot (KG6KF)         |"...few people know what to do with a computer.
Noe Systems, San Francisco    | They decide that running an operating system
UUCP: uunet!hoptoad!noe!marc  | is a substitute for doing productive work."
Internet: marc@kg6kf.AMPR.ORG | -Chuck Moore

wab2@po.cwru.edu (Wm. Beasley) (02/06/90)

I vote for:
1) Synaesthesia ("that sounds purple") in a controllable, tunable,
selectable implementation;
2) Capability to experience information flow and patterns in a
user-selectable direct sensory input modality ("feel with your
fingertips the texture on Unix; now reach over here and feel
the differing texture of Mac-OS");
3) Ability to overlay both of the above on regular old-fashioned
sensory input.

Wm. Beasley               Cleveland Free-Net's Director of Education
aa002 on the FreeNet                     wab2@po.cwru.edu (Internet)     
71106,574 on Compuserve             wab2%po.cwru.edu@cunyvm (BitNet)

              Howard Rheingold    hlr@well.sf.ca.us
              >>what it is is up to us<<