[sci.virtual-worlds] Elements of a Cyberspace Playhouse Pt 4 of 4

hitl@hardy.u.washington.edu (moderator of sci.virtual worlds) (02/09/90)

4.  Gibson W. (1984) Neuromancer. New York: Ace Books.

5.  Johnson M. (1987) The Body in the Mind: The Bodily Basis of
Meaning,      Imagination, and Reason.  Chicago: The University of
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6.  Kelly K. (1989)  Virtual reality: an interview with Jaron Lanier.
Whole Earth Review. No. 64.  pp. 108-119.

7.  Kruegar M. (1982) Artificial Reality. Addison-Wesley.

8.  Laurel B. (1989) On dramatic interaction. Verbum  3.3.  pp 6-7.

9.  McLuhan M. (1964)  Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man.  New
York:      Signet Books.

10. McNeil A., Sloane B., Fenton J., and Neumann E. (1986) Maze Wars+.
A      simulation game from MacroMind, Inc.

11. Nelson T. (1987) Computer Lib.  2d ed.  Redmond, WA:  Microsoft
Press.      First ed. publ. in 1974.

12. Papert S. (1980) Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful
Ideas.       New York: Basic Books, Inc.

13. Sobey E. and Burns G. (1982)  Aerobic Weight Training Book.
Runner's World      Books.

14. Southern R. (1961)  The Seven Ages of the Theatre. New York: Hill
and Wang.

15. Sutherland I. (1963) Sketchpad, a man-machine graphical
communication system.       Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of

16. Sutherland I. (1968) A head-mounted three dimensional display.
FJCC. Vol 33,      pp 757-764.

17. Thorpe J. A. (1987) The new technology of large scale simulator
networking:       implications for mastering the art of warfighting.
Ninth Interservice      Industry Training Systems Conference.

18. Walker J. (1988) Through the looking glass.  Internal paper.
Autodesk, Inc.      Sausalito, California.

19. Walser R. (1990)  Doing it directly - the experiential development
of      cyberspaces.  Forthcoming in Proceedings 1990 SPIE/SPSE
Symposium on      Electronic Imaging Science & Technology, Santa Clara,