[sci.virtual-worlds] Presence, or Multi-Sensory I/O

good@baviki.enet.dec.com (03/01/90)

Someone asked for introductions of people working in
this area, so here's mine:

I'm Michael Good.  I'm with Digital Equipment
Corporation's Software Usability Engineering group at
Spit Brook Road in Nashua, New Hampshire.  Our group's
focus is on making our products more useful, usable,
and appropriate for our customers.

I'm leading a small, distributed research project into
what we call Presence, or Multi-Sensory I/O.  Presence
is the quality that we're looking for - the feeling of
working on your problem rather than working on the
computer.  This is similar to the ideas of
transparency, first-personness, and direct engagement
that have been around for a long time in the usability
area.  Multi-sensory I/O is the technology that we're
exploring to enhance presence.  We're investigating how
to support the senses of vision, touch, and hearing in
the use of computers, using current technology like the
VPL Research EyePhone and DataGlove, force-feedback
joysticks, and MIDI synthesizers and samplers.

Our focus is on using participative design methods to
work together with some of our customers to see how
this technology might meet their needs in the future.

So far this newsgroup has provided me with a lot of
good ideas.  Let's continue sharing ideas so we can 
progress further together than we would separately.

Michael Good
