[sci.virtual-worlds] James Gibson and ecological optics

good@baviki.enet.dec.com (03/01/90)

There have been a couple of excellent, long articles
posted to this group which give a good introduction to
the area of virtual worlds research.  I'd like to point
people to a couple more references.

A key theoretical book is "The Ecological Approach to
Visual Perception" by James Gibson.  This contains some
of the major psychological grounding for much of
today's current work, especially for the virtual
environments work at NASA-Ames.  This 1979 book
concluded James Gibson's 50-year career in visual
perception.  The book challenges much of the
traditional approach to visual perception, and is quite
readable for people without much background in this
area.  If you are seriously interested in working in
the virtual worlds area, I highly recommend reading
this book.  It's available in paper from Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates in Hillsdale, New Jersey.

There's also another general overview of the area that
I'd recommend.  This one gives more graphical
explanations of how things like the DataGlove and
Polhemus sensor work than the newsgroup articles.  It's
Steve Ditlea's article on "Another World: Inside
Artificial Reality" from the November 1989 issue of
PC/Computing, pp. 90-102.

Michael Good
