[sci.virtual-worlds] Applications of VR

hlr@well.sf.ca.us (Howard Rheingold) (03/03/90)

As a company currently writing portable software to support VR
(realtime 3-d) applications on a wide variety of standard platforms,
we're very interested in hearing about what both developers and end
users would like (and think is feasible in the short term) in this new

To stimulate discussion, here's our list of VR applications.
Beyond the questions of "what's it good for" we are also interested in
hearing about your requirements, in areas such as:

	- minimum acceptable scene complexity (polygons)
	- desired frame rate (6, 30, 60??)
	- display resolution requirements (for what are current LCD
	  screens good enough)
	- what is the threshold of affordability of software and hardware?


Applications of Virtual Reality

Copyright 1990 Sense8 Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Permission is given to distribute this material in whole or in part,
provided this notice is retained with the material.

Architectural visualization 

The architectural design profession has a need to visualize the interior
and exterior 3-d form of buildings before they are constructed.
Today's computer rendering techniques and precomputed animations provide only
limited visualization capabilities, and scale models are expensive,
laborious to construct, and useful primarily for previewing exteriors.
A head-mounted display used with realtime 3-d graphics offers
unparalleled flexibility in previewing all aspects of a design directly
from its CAD database.

Mechanical design

Many CAD users find the 3-d drafting features of design packages difficult
to use, primarily because of the depth ambiguity of 3-d models when
projected onto 2-d CRT screens. Successful use of 3-d features often
involves extensive training. Using stereo glasses or a head-mounted display
driven by graphics boards of sufficient performance to provide motion parallax,
the eye-hand coordination and real world experience of working in
3-d can be brought to bear on problems of positioning and interference

Medical diagnosis, training, and therapy

Newer forms of medical diagnostic data such as MRI and tomography are 3-d.
Once a surface model is constructed, presentation in VR can assist a
physician in comprehension of the data.  A "surgery simulator" could be
constructed in which manipulation of an instrumented virtual scalpel
affects a tissue model.  A VR application for physical therapy might
involve modification of physical constants such as
gravity or elasticity to provide tasks of graded difficulty.

Telepresence and Telerobotics

When the displayed world is not entirely synthetic but consists of video
imagery from a remote location, VR becomes telepresence. In telerobotics,
movements of the user's body are sensed and effect changes at the
remote location. Much of the interface hardware and software can be shared
between pure VR and telerobotic applications.

Advertising, marketing, and market simulation

Merchandising and test-marketing in virtual spaces is already beginning
to occur, for example with video display stands. The consumer's remote
shopping experience could be heightened by stereoscopic display and the
ability to virtually pick up the product and look at it from all angles.


For the presentation of complex data in a comprehensible manner, use of
a VR presentation to emphasize the significant aspects is appropriate.
A videogame style of interface may be the most practical control panel
for the cockpit of the future.

Chemistry - Molecular modelling

Synthetic chemistry requires accurate visualization of 3-d molecular form.
The dynamic viewpoint change and stereopsis provided by a head mounted
display allows this. Inter-molecular forces can be experienced with feedback
devices (as is currently done at UNC, Chapel Hill).


The arcade industry may be the first to popularize VR, which is suited
to the creation of many individual and multi-player gaming situations.
Hardware cost of a wireframe 3-d VR system is within the under $15,000 limit
suitable for arcade videogames today. As display and sensor technologies
mature, one would expect to see VR games appear on the consumer market,
perhaps by Christmas of 1992. Even text-based adventure style games tend
to become socially rich through interpersonal interaction.
The simulacrum of "being there" through VR should heighten this.


VR is a new and very flexible medium for the creation of a number of art
forms: dynamic sculpture, participatory theatre. It could be the basis
for a new interactive performance medium, and is suitable for gallery


Training is an enormous industry. In many cases, such as those where the
actual equipment is too expensive, dangerous, or scarce to use,
training may be effectively accomplished in VR. Use of this
interactive medium should be more effective than the more passive video
medium now popularly applied. Visualization and interactive experimentation
is possible for physics and chemistry, with the
virtual world an ideal laboratory in which parameters can be varied
independently. A headmounted display is also a suitably controlled
environment for experimental psychology. Experiential learning as
provided in museums for the study of history or foreign cultures may
be undertaken in the first person by exhibits implemented on a VR platform.


Caveat: Everyone at Sense8 is currently *really busy* writing code.
We are very interested in receiving email on the subject of VR
applications, and just generally stimulating thought about VR,
but will likely not be able to immediately reply or discuss the issues
in much detail.

Also, we are not at present able to discuss our research or product plans.

- Eric Gullichsen
  Sense8 Corporation
  uunet!acad!fire!egullich  or  well!fire!egullich

pezely@cis.udel.edu (102SMI) (03/15/90)

In article <2375@milton.acs.washington.edu> jeffj@cbnewsm.att.com writes:
>     I was wondering what you are going to do your VR engine on? I heard
>that it is possible to do it on a PC (probably not well 8-) ) with a 
>specialized video boards at 5 frames a second. Is this what you are 
>looking at? Hopefully I will be able to do the same thing down the road.
>Thanks for any info!
>                           Jeff Jones

For the compute engine, I was going to use Suns (Sun 3's and SparcStations).  
Since just one machine is not powerful enough, I was going to implement a
distributed processing system.  At UDel, we have lots of machines which 
can be used.  The time of day/night might be restricted, but I'm not kepting 
normal hours anyway. 

For the display machine, it will be a sparcstation initially.
(When's the sparcstation-2, -3 coming out...?)

Eventually, I'd like to port this to a 486 and/or an 040 machine.  
There are a few IRIS's around campus, so... maybe.

The evolution of the project is: a modified (for lack of a better
term) CAD system, distributed/multiuser CAD, rendering system, simulator,
VR system.  

The language will be C++, and I will make this as modular and atomic as
possible.  (Send mail only if you disagree or wish to flame.)  I have 
access to gnu's g++ and the PC zortech c++ compiler, so I'll try to make 
most of the code compatible across a few platforms.

For *my* needs as an undergraduate, the development of the tools and 
libraries is more important than the final application.  The app will be 
improved upon in grad school or with my future employer (AutoDesk would be 
nice... (-:  ), whichever route I decide to go.

Daniel Pezely <pezely@udel.edu> (NSFnet)      728 Bent Ln, Newark, DE 19711
Comp Sci Lab, 102 Smith Hall, U of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716; 302/451-6339