[sci.virtual-worlds] Remote sensing for VR

rwilliam@sparky.rice.edu (William R. Russell) (03/16/90)

The earlier message about using a video camera to sense body movement
gave me an idea...

Idea #1 : Remote sensing

Perhaps all this stuff about datagloves is all wrong. Would it be
possible to develop some sort of remote sensing device, like an
acoustic, infrared, or video device that translated bodily motion
into data? Sure, it wouldn't have the exacting precision of a dataglove,
but think of the possibilities for entertainment, exercise, and other
'full body' activities.

Idea #2 : Physical therapy

Now I've got another idea... has anyone considered the possibilities for
VR in physical therapy and physical rehabilitation? With a system like the
one described (i.e. a video system or motion sensor for physical feedback),
physical therapy could be turned into a game for those who need it.
Injured or handicapped people could play a sort of 'game', where the computer
constantly changed the game to stress the appropriate muscles and locations.
Imagine someone who broke their leg in an accident. After it healed, they
could rebuild the muscles by playing, for example, a skiing game. The
computer would constantly monitor the players progress and slowly change
the game to strength the broken limb.

Okay, so maybe they aren't profound ideas or anything, but I never said
I was a rocket scientist... not yet, anyway.


[Moderators Note:]

Actually, your right on track. The VPL DataGlove is, or at least was, being
used by a company called GreenLeaf Medical Systems for diognostic evaluation
of hand impairments and range of motion studies.