[sci.virtual-worlds] data glove touch sensors

hlab@milton.acs.washington.edu (Human Int. Technology Lab) (04/13/90)

In article <8131@sdcsvax.UCSD.Edu> Gabrial X writes:
>Are there more than one version of the data glove, or is it just that the
>tactile feedback provided is not good enough to simulate textures, or was the
>article that I read wrong?

It used to be that the DataGlove had touch sources on its fingertips, but
no longer. Apparently they didn't work too well. Everything felt like sandpaper
or something. The DataGlove command set still pretends to support this
feature, but sending the command is a no-op.

Chris Shaw     University of Alberta
cdshaw@cs.UAlberta.ca           Now with new, minty Internet flavour!
CatchPhrase: Bogus as HELL !

escher@Apple.COM (Michael Crawford) (04/13/90)

In article <2833@milton.acs.washington.edu> Chris Shaw writes:
>It used to be that the DataGlove had touch sources on its fingertips, but
>no longer. Apparently they didn't work too well. Everything felt like sandpaper
>or something. The DataGlove command set still pretends to support this
>feature, but sending the command is a no-op.

It would be simple to put heating elements in the gloves to give temperature
feedback.  Thermo-electric devices (bi-metal strips) of the sort they use to
cool submarines would provide cold as well.  Then you could have a virtual
snowball fight and warm your hands over the fire afterwards.

>Chris Shaw     University of Alberta
>cdshaw@cs.UAlberta.ca           Now with new, minty Internet flavour!
>CatchPhrase: Bogus as HELL !

Michael D. Crawford
Oddball Enterprises
606 Modesto Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Consulting for Apple Computer Inc.
Applelink: escher@apple.com@INTERNET#

The opinions expressed here are solely my own.