[sci.virtual-worlds] Eye tracking

hucaby@ms.uky.edu (Dave Hucaby) (05/30/90)

Just got a brochure about an eyeball tracking device a few weeks ago,
but can't find any pricing info. It's called the Evil Eye, and uses
a standard RS-170 video camera that looks at the eyeball. The eye is
illuminated with infrared light, and the image of the eye is reflected
to the helmet-mounted camera by an angled glass mounted in front of
the wearer's eye. Some other hardware calculates and tracks the center
of the wearer's pupil and a reflection off the cornea.

For more info, contact:   ISCAN
                          125 Cambridgepark Drive
                          P.O. Box 2076
                          Cambridge, MA  02238
                          617-868-5353  (Fax: 617-868-9231)

I have no connection with ISCAN nor have I seen or used their product.
Hope this might be useful for you aspiring VR-ers.

   _________                     Dave Hucaby
       /    \  _        ____     IBM, C69/988
      /     / /_\ \  / /___      740 New Circle Road
_____/_____/ /   \ \/ /___       Lexington, Kentucky  40511
      hucaby@image.uky.edu    (Univ. of Ky Biomedical Imaging alumnus)