[sci.virtual-worlds] Article in news.announce.conferences

pezely@cis.udel.edu (Daniel Pezely) (05/31/90)

                       C A L L   f o r   P A P E R S

      H U M A N   J O B S   a n d   C O M P U T E R  I N T E R F A C E S

            June 26 - 28, 1991  at Tampere Hall, Tampere, Finland

WG 9.1 (Computers and Work) of IFIP  TC 9 (Computers and Society) together
with the Finnish Information Processing Association and the University of
Tampere announces an international conference on human jobs and computer

As the use of computers grows, there is an increase not only in the
number of users and but also in the range and diversity of computer-based
jobs. In this connection, general statements about the effects of
computing or the characteristics of a 'good'interface are difficult
to establish and may readily lose touch with changing use. This
conference addresses this issue of the relationship between computer
interfaces and human jobs. As understanding of this topic is still at
a pre-theoretical level, theoretical contributions are welcomed. At
the same however, the conference aims to encourage empirical research.
Consequently, interesting experiences, good ideas, and reports of
failures are also called for.

Submissions to the conference should in some way address the topic of
human jobs as well as computer interfaces, but they need not all be
papers arguing for this connection. Contributions may be primarily
grounded in one of these fields, but should in some way use the other
in the argument presented in the paper. Papers will be judged on
quality and by their relevance to the topic of the conference.

Contributions are called for within the following fields:
(the subitems are only examples, not an exhaustive list)

Empirical studies (qualitative and quantitative)
- - studies of interfaces in use
- - comparative analyses of the same interface in different jobs
- - computer-based tutoring and training
- - studies of the qualifications applied or needed when using certain interfaces
- - interface induced impact on the work environment

Theoretical studies
- - different theories of human beings and their influences on jobs and
- - different theories on human jobs and their application to computer interfaces
- - theoretical contributions to the design of interfaces for human work
- - requirements to interfaces based on knowledge about jobs
- - ease of learning versus ease of use

Practical experience
- - examples of interfaces for particular jobs
- - interfaces supporting flexibility at work
- - failures, negative experiences

Interface technology
- - multiuser interfaces and cooperative work
- - initiative and control in dialogues
- - new developments


The  c o n f e r e n c e  is scheduled to run
from Wednesday through Friday June 26-28, 1991
with tutorials on Monday (Buchanan, Engestrom, Aulin) June 24, 1991
and Tuesday (Shneiderman) June 25, 1991

In order to create a challenging atmosphere, several distinguished
speakers have been invited:

B e n   S h n e i d e r m a n  is a Professor at the Department of
Computer Science, Head of Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory at the
University of Maryland. His technical interests include interactive systems
design, human factors research in programming, data base management and
computers in education. Ben Shneiderman is the author of "Designing the User
Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction" and the
recently published hyperbook/disk "Hypertext Hands-On!".

D a v i d   B u c h a n a n   is a Professor of Human Resource Management at
the Department of Management Studies at the University of Technology
Loughborough. He has a special research interest in new technology, and has
produced a video-based teaching case on the subject. He is the author/
co-author of seven books, including (with Huczynski) "Organizational
Behaviour: An Introductory Text".

A r v i d   A u l i n   is a Professor of Mathematics and Methodology at
the University of Tampere. He is studying the nonlinear dynamics of economic
and social development. He is the author of the recently published book
"Foundations of Mathematical System Dynamics". The book focuses on the general
theory of causal systems. It generates an exhaustive systematics for causal
systems in a complete state-description. The distinction between self-steering
and self-regulating dynamical systems is essential in applications to economics
and social sciences.

Y r j o   E n g e s t r o m  is a Professor of communication and director
of the  Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition at the University of
California, San Diego and an associate professor of adult education at
the University of Helsinki. He discusses work and work-related cognition
from an activity-theoretical viewpoint, emphasizing the artifact-mediated,
socially distributed and historically changing character of work activity.
A conceptual model for analyzing complex activity systems is presented,
and a methodology for developmental work research is outlined.

International Program Committee     Organizing Committee
________________________________    ________________________
Markku Nurminen (SF) Chairman       Pertti Jarvinen Chairman
David Ackermann (CH)                Saila Ovaska
Peter van den Besselaar (NL)        Pekka Tyllila
Susanne Bodker (DK)
Boris Boiko (SU Ukr.)
Francois Bodart (B)
Ulrich Briefs (D)
Andrew Clement (CDN)
Klaus Fuchs-Kittowski (GDR)
Sture Hagglund (S)
Jean-Michel Hoc (F)
Pentti Hietala (SF)
Pekka Huuhtanen (SF)
Pertti Jarvinen (SF)
Antti Kasvio (SF)
Juhani Kirjonen (SF)
Agnes Kovats (H)
Oyar Krumberg (SU Latvia)
Pekka Lehtio (SF)
Leikny Ogrim (N)
Bronius Paradauskas (SU Lith.)
Barbara Pernici (I)
Catherine Plaisant (USA)
Kari-Jouko Raiha (SF)
Mike Robinson (UK/NL)
Kevin Ryan (IRL)
Fernando Saez Vacas (E)
Paal Sorgaard (SF)
Jaak Tepandi (SU Estonia)
A Min Tjoa (A)
Matti Vartiainen (SF)
George Weir (UK)

Important dates:

Letter of Intent
(with describing title of your paper) May 31, 1990

Submission of full papers             Nov 15, 1990

Acceptance notification               Feb 15, 1991

Final version due                     Mar 30, 1991

June 24. 1991 Buchanan, Engestrom and Aulin
June 25, 1991 Shneiderman

CONFERENCE                         June 26-28, 1991

Send your letter of intent and paper to

Pertti Jarvinen
University of Tampere
Department of Computer Science
P.O. Box 607
SF-33101 Tampere,  Finland

Telex: 22263 tayk sf

Telefax (int.):  +358-31-134473

Email:   pj@ohdake.uta.fi

(( Please, note that the 4th Women, work and computarization
conference will be organized at the same place just after
our conference June 29 - July 1, 1991))

------- End of Forwarded Message

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (05/31/90)

I've been corresponding with the organizer of the Tampere
Conference, Pertti Jarvinen, and this is really going to
be the blowout of Scandinavian affairs.  It ties together
many social and technological themes of relevance in both
a Scandinavian environment and in this discussion of new
technology.  I recommend your attendance if you can at all
go.  And it's not too late to turn in a paper idea.

And the Women, Work, and Computerization Conference,
to be held in the same place right after.  What a Mid-
Summer Fest!