[sci.virtual-worlds] Real-time Optical 3d tracker

peb@uunet.UU.NET (Paul Baclaski) (06/01/90)

In case this has not been mentioned yet, the ACM SIGGRAPH Vol. 24, March
1990 has many interesting papers on virtual reality.  The one I want to
point out describes a 200 update-per-second helmet tracker that uses
cameras and LEDs mounted on the ceiling.  This is a significant speed up
over the magnetic based system that is used in currently available VR
systems.  The paper is "A Real-time Optical 3D Tracker for Head-mounted
Display Systems" by Jih-fang Wang, Vernon Chi and Henry Fuchs of University
of North Carolina.

I tried out the VPL system at an open house last year and speeding up 
the tracking seems to be very important; the magnetic system has about 5 
updates per second which makes hand-eye coordination difficult.

Paul E. Baclaski