[sci.virtual-worlds] New Simulation Journal from ACM

fishwick@fish.cis.ufl.edu (Paul Fishwick) (07/03/90)

   *                     CALL FOR PAPERS FOR                         *

PURPOSE AND SCOPE: Papers are solicited for TOMACS, an ACM quarterly treating
all aspects of computer simulation and the modeling of complex systems that
are studied through simulation techniques.  The goal of the Editorial Board
is that TOMACS shall be the archival journal for research in discrete event
simulation, which is the topical emphasis.  Distinctive application papers
and outstanding reviews or tutorials are appropriate within the research
focus of TOMACS.  The breadth of subject coverage is illustrated below:

o combined simulation	            o credibility assessment
o distributed simulation              o experiment design
o hybrid simulation                     o model complexity
o model development environments          o model diagnostic techniques
o model management                          o model representation
o model verification and validation           o modeling methodology
o modeling theory and concepts                  o output analysis techniques
o parallel simulation                             o process generators
o program generators                              o qualitative simulation
o random number generation                      o random number testing
o real-time simulators                        o run-time efficiency
o simulation and artificial intelligence    o simulation and computer gaming
o simulation and computer graphics       o simulation applications
o simulation metamodels	               o simulation programming languages
o specification languages           o transformation of random variates
o variance reduction              o visual interactive simulation

SUBMISSION: Five copies of the complete manuscript should be submitted to
the Editor-in-Chief. Submission of a manuscript is a representation that 
the paper has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere 
and that the work has been released for open publication.

REVIEW: Submissions are assigned to an Area Editor, who will handle the
review process and recommend disposition to the Editor-in-Chief.  Area
definition and editorial appointments are in process.

     Richard E. Nance,  Editor-in-Chief
     Systems Research Center,
     320 Femoyer Hall
     Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
     Blacksburg, Virginia  24061-0251, U.S.A.

     Phone:     (703) 231-6144
     Internet:  nance@vtopus.cs.vt.edu
     Bitnet:    nance@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu
     Facsimile: (703) 231-6075


     George S. Fishman	              James O. Henriksen
     University of North Carolina     Wolverine Software Corporation

     Robert G. Sargent                Bernard P. Zeigler
     Syracuse University              University of Arizona


     Osman Balci                      Quality Assurance
      Virginia Polytechnic Institute   (credibility assessment, model
            & State University          V&V, model diagnosis, simulation
                                        environments, simulation support)

     Luc Devroye                      Representation of Uncertainty
      McGill University                (random number generation, testing,
                                        transformations, data modeling
                                        distribution fitting)

     Paul A. Fishwick                 Extensions and Relations
      University of Florida            (knowledge-based, qualitative,
                                        combined and hybrid simulation,
                                        expert systems, AI)   

     Richard Fujimoto                 Model Execution
      Georgia Institute of Technology  (distributed and parallel simulation,
                                        run-time organization (events lists,
                                        etc.), real-time simulation)

     Philip Heidelberger              Simulation Analysis
      IBM Research Division            (output analysis, variance reducing
                                        techniques, experiment design, 
                                        sensitivity analysis, metamodels)

     Stephen D. Roberts               Modeling: Concepts to Implementation
       Regenstrief Institute           (modeling theory, modeling concepts
                                        and structures, methodologies,
                                        specification languages, SPLs)

           Vacant                     User/Model Interactions
                                       (decision aiding and support, computer
                                        gaming, model management, case studies,
                                        graphical modeling, model animation)