[sci.virtual-worlds] Magazine Article on VR and Music

rogerson@PEDEV.Columbia.NCR.COM (Dale Rogerson) (07/03/90)

	For those interested in virtual reality research and possible
	applications in music, the July 1990 (vol. 6, no. 7) issue
	of Electronic Musician has several articles on this topic.
	Also covered is iconic/visual programming languages for use
	in music application.

	"Looking for the infinite Lego Set"

jgsmith@BCM.TMC.EDU (James G. Smith) (07/06/90)

I think it's the July issue which covers many different aspects of virtual
reality, including three (count 'em) glove devices, as well as other topics.

I haven't read it yet.  Has anyone else?  What's it say?

(inquiring minds ...)