[sci.virtual-worlds] Description Languages for VR

william@hitl.vrnet.washington.edu (William Bricken) (07/26/90)

In reply to Simon Gibbs' query about description languages 
for VR:

There are several approaches to world modeling, but to my 
knowledge, they are all standard, in the sense that they 
have not been crafted for VR in particular.  Some 
alternatives include:

	Graphics based simulation: the set of transformations, 
rotations, scalings, etc. found in most high-end graphics 
modeling packages.

	Object-oriented simulation:  the language capacity of 
assigning properties and methods (dispositions) to objects, 
found in most object-oriented programming languages.

	Simulation languages:  tools and techniques embodied in 
simulation languages such as Modula, Actor, and Simpack.

HITL is adopting Entity-based modeling.  Entities are 
similar to agents in AI. Genesereth and Nilsson, Logical 
Foundations of Artificial Intelligence has a good technical 
description.  Entities are objects with processing power, 
they can be thought of as operating systems.  Each entity 
contains a mathematical description language (such as 
Mathematica), capable of pattern matching and constraint 
enforcement.  We use equational logic for assertion and 
inference, so that the entire disposition is simply a set of 
equations.  Thus, entities are defined (programmed) by 
inserting equations into their disposition.  Time (and 
dynamics) is just another variable, although for efficiency 
it is treated specially.  The other cornerstone of our 
architecture is self-similarity.  Everything, including 
spaces which contain "objects", is an entity.  There are 
then two fundamental types of relations between entities:  
containment and spatial juxtaposition.  As it turns out, 
these mechanisms are fundamental to mathematics itself, 
function and set.

So our base language is algebra, the rest is knowledge 
engineering.  Although we generally constrain expressability 
to equational first-order predicate logic, we freely use 
imaginary booleans for maintenance of contradictory 
concurrent worlds.  We are currently working on tools to 
make algebraic programming easy.

For concreteness, I'll post a description of SimPack from 
the University of Michigan, and some design notes on 
entities at HITL.

William Bricken
Principal Scientist