[sci.virtual-worlds] Can I have one?

bolle@ecrc.de (Andre' Bolle) (08/13/90)

I've only recently been reading virtual-worlds. I find it fascinating.
I have only one question.

When will (in your opinion) the first Virtual-World game (goggles,
gloves and all) be on the market?

I suppose it depends on the price of the goggles and gloves. I think
many computer-games lovers could manage ~$200, but I suspect they will
cost much more (even if mass produced).

Thanks for your time


ron@vicorp.com (Ron Peterson) (08/16/90)

In article <795@ecrc.de> bolle@ecrc.de (Andre' Bolle) writes:
>I've only recently been reading virtual-worlds. I find it fascinating.
>I have only one question.
>When will (in your opinion) the first Virtual-World game (goggles,
>gloves and all) be on the market?
>I suppose it depends on the price of the goggles and gloves. I think
>many computer-games lovers could manage ~$200, but I suspect they will
>cost much more (even if mass produced).

The latest issue of Amazing Computing for the Amiga computer has a
short article (with pictures!) near the back about a 16 player
VR game.  Each player sits at a console with about 200 buttons and
two video displays.  These are used to control a giant robot with
weapons that can move through a 100km square virtual world interacting
with other robots.  The first installation was supposed to have
opened this week in Chicago.  A half hour video tape provides
pre-game instructions to players.  It's here now!