[sci.virtual-worlds] XTAR and Sublogic

wwj@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Walter Johnson) (08/19/90)

In my research I have constructed a pc-based flight simulator using XTAR 
hardware.  We are thinking of expanding this system, and other researchers I 
know are also considering purchasing this system.  However I just heard about
potential problems/complications that might be in the offing due to some 
problems between XTAR and SubLogic - who I am told have supplied the boards to
XTAR for their products.  Does anybody know anything about this?  I have also 
been told that the TI 34020 (?) graphics board, together with the TIGA software
interface, is a cheaper and better way to go.  Does anyone have some further 
information and comments about this?  I and other researchers do not want to 
go charging off into a deadend hardware architecture.