[sci.virtual-worlds] Daily Telegraph talks about cyberspace.

loki@relay.EU.net (Never Kid A Kidder) (08/24/90)

There's an article in today's Daily Telegraph expounding the virtues
of virtuals.  It said that Philip Mercurio of the San Diego
Supercomputer Centre and Thomas Erickson of Apple will be giving talks
at a conference in Cambridge next week; is that Cambridge England or
Cambridge Mass.?  If the former, where??? when??? (Agh! this news
turnaround is too slow!!!)
   Harry Fearnhamm, ,---.'\   EMAIL: loki@moncam.uucp
    Monotype ADG,  (, /@ )/          ...!ukc!acorn!moncam!loki
    Science Park,    /( _/ ') VOICE: +44 (0)223 420018
     Cambridge,      \,`---'    FAX: +44 (0)223 420911
      CB4 4FQ,           DISCLAIMER: Nothing is True.
      ENGLAND.                       Everything is Permitted.