[sci.virtual-worlds] Navigating in Zork mode

xanthian@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG (Kent Paul Dolan) (08/24/90)

Several recent articles have focused on the
problems and possibilities of navigating
(and assisting navigation) through a complex,
many dimensioned/categoried data space/virtual

While agreeing with those who point out the
difficulties, most of us have probably shared
an experience that shows one way to make this
work.  If you have played the games called in
the US Dungeon or Zork (commercial version),
or the Crowther & Woods (sp?) Adventure game,
you probably all did as I did: blundered about
a while, realized the need for a map, made a
map, used and expanded the map as more was
learned, and then finally put the paper map
aside as familiarity created an equivalently
functioning internal map.

Perhaps the unmet need in this paradigm in the
discussion so far is that the virtual reality
should include a convenient way for the user
to create his/her own map; my first impulse
would be simply an easily accessed freehand
drawing area with tools for ovals, titles,
arcs, and so on, panable and zoomable as needed.

Thus, rather than solve the problem of making
a navigation system suitable for all users, we
make all users cartographers and let them
teach themselves navigation, with only some
primitive initial toolkit.

After a while, studying the maps the users
create, we can learn from them what (varied)
ways of keeping ones directions straight are
in use, and incorporate (the best of) them
into our system's "autopilots" as time and
user demand allow.

A very wise cartographic support programmer 
manager of my acquaintance in Canada used
this as his sole development criterion.
Does this have wider applicability?

I've always liked systems that stayed in
a prototype stage "forever"; it is what most
attracts me to Unix.  Would this work for a
virtual reality project as well?

Kent, the man from xanth.
<xanthian@Zorch.SF-Bay.ORG> <xanthian@well.sf.ca.us>

schraudo%beowulf@ucsd.edu (Nici Schraudolph) (08/29/90)

xanthian@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG (Kent Paul Dolan) writes:

>Thus, rather than solve the problem of making
>a navigation system suitable for all users, we
>make all users cartographers and let them
>teach themselves navigation, with only some
>primitive initial toolkit.

This can work out great if the initial toolkit, primitive or not,
has enough potential power and flexibility (eg. Turing equivalency).
A case in point are the robots that have been popping up on TinyMUDs
(multi-user text-only VRs) - among other functions, they wander
around building maps of their environment, enabling them to give
the users directions to locations, objects and other users.  Some
user just had the idea, programmed the first one, and soon they
became part of the inventory on any TinyMUD.

However, this kind system development only works if there is a large
number of interacting users, so that there are enough contributors
to ensure a steady stream of improvements (as with the Unix world).

>After a while, studying the maps the users
>create, we can learn from them what (varied)
>ways of keeping ones directions straight are
>in use, and incorporate (the best of) them
>into our system's "autopilots" as time and
>user demand allow.

>A very wise cartographic support programmer 
>manager of my acquaintance in Canada used
>this as his sole development criterion.
>Does this have wider applicability?

Well, have you ever seen a campus on which the footpaths were where
you needed them?  Why don't they just build the buildings without
connecting paths, wait a year, and then throw concrete slabs every-
where where the grass is trampled down?  Just wondering.
Nicol N. Schraudolph, C-014                      "Big Science, hallelujah.
University of California, San Diego               Big Science, yodellayheehoo."
La Jolla, CA 92093-0114                                     - Laurie Anderson.

brucec%phoebus.phoebus.labs.tek.com@RELAY.CS.NET (Bruce Cohen) (08/30/90)

In article <1990Aug24.164049.5512@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG> xanthian@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG (Kent Paul Dolan) writes:
> ...
> Perhaps the unmet need in this paradigm in the
> discussion so far is that the virtual reality
> should include a convenient way for the user
> to create his/her own map; my first impulse
> would be simply an easily accessed freehand
> drawing area with tools for ovals, titles,
> arcs, and so on, panable and zoomable as needed.
> Thus, rather than solve the problem of making
> a navigation system suitable for all users, we
> make all users cartographers and let them
> teach themselves navigation, with only some
> primitive initial toolkit.

This is a useful idea, but it's not a complete solution for two reasons:
    1) Most users really don't want to have to spend all their time mapping
       a system before they can use it.  If they are given most of the maps
       they need, and can just pencil in some annotations and short-cuts
       they'll be happy.  Users may not want to play zork, but get some
       work done, instead.  As an analogy, you don't have to be a
       cartographer to be a navigator, and you don't have to be a great
       navigator to travel the freeway.

    2) The complexity and high connectivity of a large data space will mean
       that freehand drawing tools won't be sufficient for the task.  I'll
       bet that the tools will have to be customized for the
       characteristics of the space involved (you thought there was going
       to be only one cyberspace, eh?  How many Unoids are there?).

On the other hand, your suggestion may be a good way to develop the tools
to give to the users.  Just like out on the frontier: send out a scout to
make a map. Send enough scouts, and get back enough maps, and you can print
an atlas for all the less sophisiticated travelers who come later.

> ...
> I've always liked systems that stayed in
> a prototype stage "forever"; it is what most
> attracts me to Unix.  Would this work for a
> virtual reality project as well?

There's a lovely paper which compares Unix to Zork in both cognitive and
user motivational terms.  Maybe you like Unix because it's an adventure
game?  Still, I just don't think Unix will succeed as a theme park (some
small fraction of :-)

Bruce Cohen, Computer Research Lab        email: brucec@tekcrl.labs.tek.com
Tektronix Laboratories, Tektronix, Inc.                phone: (503)627-5241
M/S 50-662, P.O. Box 500, Beaverton, OR  97077