[sci.virtual-worlds] Senior Programmer Positions Available

william@hitl.vrnet.washington.edu (William Bricken) (09/02/90)



	at the Human Interface Technology Laboratory.

HITL is hiring virtual reality programmers.  We're looking for a couple of  
very good programmers to join the team that is designing and implementing  
the HITL Virtual Environment Operating Shell.  

Currently, the VEOS wraps around UNIX to create an operating system  
specialized in providing resource and communication management to  
entities within the virtual environment.  Entities are objects running a sense- 
process-act loop and containing a spatial structure which can be displayed  
in a multisensory inclusive environment.  Everything in our VR, including  
space itself, is an entity.   The VEOS includes a suite of virtual world tools  
for coordinating databases, distributed process and display resources, and   
entity interactions.  The Virtual Body tool, for example, connects signals  
from behavior transducers (i/o hardware such as head-coupled displays,  
hand position sensors, wands, spaceballs, and voice command systems) to  
inhabited entities.  The Physiological Model tool connects display  
parameters to physical information about the participant (such as head and  
eye position, shape of ear, current pulse rate, and selected perceptual  
filters).  The World Assembly tool coordinates construction tools (such as  
CAD packages), dynamic interaction process specifications, and rendering  

If you have some large successful programming projects behind you, and  
deep experience in several of our areas of interest (modern languages,  
formal systems, operating systems, real-time processing, computer  
graphics, artificial intelligence, distributed computation, parallelism, rapid  
prototyping, visual programming, and device drivers), we invite you to send  
a resume and a code sample to

	William Bricken
	University of Washington, FU-20
	Seattle, WA  98125

Inquiries to:
