[sci.virtual-worlds] Idea for Data Source

jimk@saturn.ucsc.edu (Jim Kleck) (09/14/90)

In article <7455@milton.u.washington.edu> unrvax!tahoe!unrvax.unr.edu!balli-d@uu
net.UU.NET (Dana Ballinger) writes:
>One problem confronting the VR programmer is data density.
>Why not use a fractal as the 'landscape'.  Any chaotic iterative algorythm
>would suffice.  (There is no need for complex calculations, x = ax(1-x) is
>a simple equation which can work wonders.)
> ...

Another problem in VR, especially if you are going to allow > one person
in at a time, is bandwidth.  The environment must be communicated to all
current inhabitants.  Note that Dana's simple fractal plus some position
information "within" that fractal would take up very little bandwidth
but would communicate an extremely rich environment.  The only drawback
is in the computation necessary to extract that environment from this
terse information.  But what an ideal division of labor: a host to
manage the VR and workstations to present it!

Jim Kleck