[sci.virtual-worlds] LCD displays

roy@cs.umn.edu (Roy M. Silvernail) (09/16/90)

pepke@SCRI1.SCRI.FSU.EDU (Eric Pepke) writes:

> What is a good source for Watchman-style LCD displays, both black&white 
> and color, in unit quantities?  I think I want black&white, because of the 
> difficulties of merging the little color triads when they're really big, 
> but all the commercial B&W Watchmans I have seen use the little 
> front-screen CRT's.

Casio has a tiny LCD TV with a black & white display, in addition to
their color model. Sorry I can't point you to a source for them, but at
least they exist. You could look in places like discount drug/department
stores. I've seen the tv's for as little as $60 (at Pay N Save in
Anchorage, Alaska)
    Roy M. Silvernail   | #include <stdio.h>                 | Does virtual
    now available at:   | main(){                            | reality need
 cybrspc!roy@cs.umn.edu |  float x=1;                        | swap space?
(cyberspace... be here!)|  printf("Just my $%.2f.\n",x/50);} | -- me