[sci.virtual-worlds] VR reference list, re:Yo People!

schur@isi.edu (Sean Schur) (09/16/90)

In article <7461@milton.u.washington.edu> ames!prlb.philips.be!prcs3.decnet.phil
ips.be!jenkins@beaver.cs.washington. writes:
>*Reading for Dreamers - Virtual Reality and CyberSpace 'Reference' List*
>I've seen the postings regarding 'Yo People!'.  I've been interested in the
>ideas behind VR for *quite* a while, and have found various references to, and 
>discussions of the ideas behind it in some of the material below.  The list
>is by no means exhaustive, and has some items that should be reasonably
>easy to find. Some of the items may be available in the UK only.
>- D. Jenkins                 !INTERNET    jenkins@prcs3.decnet.philips.be      
>- Standard Disclaimers Apply !                                                 

There is a new magazine out called Mondo 2000. The second issue is currently
on the newsstands but VERY hard to find because it is selling like wildfire!
At any rate, there are 4 or 5 articles on VR in the current issue (issue
#2 Summer 1990) including on interview with Jaron Lanier. Check it out, it
is very interesting.


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Sean Schur                     \   \  /      /
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USENET: schur@isi.edu            \  /a\mpyr/
Compuserve: 70731,1102            \/   \  / ideo 
Plink: OSS259                           \/ 
