[sci.virtual-worlds] question???

fmgst@unix.cis.pitt.edu (Filip Gieszczykiewicz) (09/17/90)

        Greetings. It just occured to me that this discussion is
        similar in nature to the one that led to the acceptance
        of Adobe's PostScript (tm) language as the "standard"
        in page description.

        Is there a possibility that a PS-variant could be used to
        describe the VR enviroment. 

        I have only glanced at PostScript but it seem to me to
        be a very "expendable" form of description - the
        main problem behind VR. 


        Take care.
        P.S. I acknowledge that a 12 page, scientific paper needs
        something like 65K of data - a major problem...

"The Force will be with you, always." It _is_ with me and has been for 10 years
Filip Gieszczykiewicz    "A man without a dream is like a fish without water."
FMGST@PITTVMS  or  fmgst@unix.cis.pitt.edu "My ideas. ALL MINE!!"