[sci.virtual-worlds] Power Glove for the Amiga?

akk@relay.EU.net (Andy Klingler) (09/28/90)

Distribution: world

In article <37593@ut-emx.uucp> greg@walt.cc.utexas.edu (Greg Harp) writes:
>VPL (the makers of the Data Glove) sued Mattel for the rights of the Power
>Glove (which IMNSHO is crap, since the Data Glove is fiberoptic and the
>Power Glove works on a tension-sensitive variable resistance principle --
>it appears that Apple's lawyers are moonlighting. :-) )
Ups. In the TV-Show they said Mattel had licensed the Power Glove from 
>Anyway, VPL is supposed to be releasing a version of the Power Glove made 
>to connect to an RS232 serial port.  This is also supposed to use the "secret"
>high resoilution mode of the Power Glove (the one the guy from BYTE 
A version of ther own glove or Mattel's?
>Anyway, the price is rumored to be $200.  (This isn't bad since VPL's prices
>are usually in the multi-thousand-dollar range.  Hey!  Maybe these guys
>_ARE_ Apple! :-) :-) )
Hm. Must be Mattel's.
>Anyway, since this isn't really Amiga material, I've changed the Followup-To
>line to sci.virtual-worlds, which commonly contains threads about VPL,
>the Power Glove, etc.  (BTW, this is a great group for VR junkies!  --
>Check it out!)
Oh boy. Another group to read ;-). But thanks for the hint.
(Please give me some days to reconfigure my newsfeed)
Andreas Klingler
     A business is no business until you have shown the revenue office
                            it was no business