[sci.virtual-worlds] New Moderator for Sci.Virtual-Worlds

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (09/30/90)

Hello.  I'm your new moderator for sci.virtual-worlds.
I look forward to providing the same high quality of
service to you, the users who make sci.virtual-worlds
the success it has become, as my predecessors, Howard
Rheingold and Steve Aukstakalnis.
However, although an experienced moderator elsewhere,
I'm a Unix novice, so please bear with me through this
learning period.  I promise to do my homework and come
up to speed as soon as possible!

In the meantime, about 20 very intriguing messages
have arrived at the HIT Lab's mail center for posting.
With luck and some brain sweat, they'll be available
to you by tomorrow, Sunday.
Thanks for your contributions to sci.virtual-worlds.
If there's anything the HIT Lab or I can do to make
your experience here more rewarding, please do let us
know.  Your thoughts ARE sci.virtual-worlds!
Bob Jacobson
Associate Director
Human Interface Technology Laboratory
206-543-5075 (voice)
206-543-5380 (fax)