[sci.virtual-worlds] Power Glove Interface

totty%flute.cs.uiuc.edu@usc.edu (Brian Totty) (09/23/90)

        We have a hacked-up PowerGlove interface to generate some clocking
        signals approximately compatible with the Eglowstein Byte article.
        After some trouble, we think we might be getting some real data out.
        Does anyone have any more detailed specs about clocking requirements,
        data packet formats, etc.  We are also worried because the centering
        systems doesn't seem to work as in the glossy "Adventures of
        Glove Master and Little Digit" instruction manual.  The sensor
        LEDs are either all on or all off.  We are not able to get individual
        LEDs to turn on/off based on glove motion.  Is this a clocking
        problem?  If we get the clocking scheme working, we are going to
        convert the data to RS232 and hook it up to a workstation.  Anyone
        want to share some wisdom?

                                                        --- Bri

P.S. We do not have a Nintendo

   /                      Brian Totty              o o
  /__  __  o       1304 W. Springfield Avenue       o  
 /  / /   /             Urbana, IL 61801           \_/  "We have corn in
/__/ /   /             totty@cs.uiuc.edu                Massachusetts too!"

nelson@melodian.cs.uiuc.edu (Taed Nelson) (09/26/90)

Here is a brief update on what we have found out in the past few days:

        1.  The output signal is simply one bit-per-button, thus allowing
                you to press all buttons simultaneously.  The order works
                out to be A-B-Select-Start-Up-Down-Left-Right, which is
                eight bits.
        2.  It is sensitive to the pulse lengths in an annoying way.  We
                are currently using 4us for both the reset and clock
        3.  We have problems centering with any clock above 4 kHz, which
                seems extremely slow since the processor inside the glove
                uses a 10 MHz clock.
        4.  Someone sent us mail reminding us to turn off the rapid fire
                buttons, which helped a lot.
        5.  Our circuit is pretty straight-forward, and substituted a one-
                shot for the icky RC circuit to control the pulse lengths.
        6.  The lights on the ultra sound don't work correctly.  When 
                centered and with no finger motions, all the lights are off
                as they should be, but any action whatsoever turns ALL of
                the lights on, which is not how the manual describes it.
                There are two lines unused in the interface, and we imagine
                that one of these controls them, although it seems silly
                to require the Nitendo to control it, unless it essentially
                feeds the dataOut signal back through and there is some
                interpreting circutry in the ultrasonics.
        7.  One of the two unused lines must be for the Nitendo to send
                stuff to the glove.  We say this since the gloveMaster/
                littleDigit thing mentions that a few games actually
                program the glove when the NES is powered up.

Does anyone have any information on anything else?  We especially want
  to get the lights working correctly and try to crank up the clock speed.

For anyone else building an iterface, we suggest making it as general
  as possible since there's a lot of weird timing going on.  We have a
  series of counters for use as clock dividers and the one-shot thing made
  the controlling of the clock pulses simpler.  (BTW, for the one-shot we
  used R=5.7k and C=1000pf.)

-- Taed and Bri

ron@vicorp.com (Ron Peterson) (09/26/90)

In article <7992@milton.u.washington.edu> totty%flute.cs.uiuc.edu@usc.edu (Brian
 Totty) writes:
>        We have a hacked-up PowerGlove interface to generate some clocking
>        signals approximately compatible with the Eglowstein Byte article.
>        After some trouble, we think we might be getting some real data out.
>        Does anyone have any more detailed specs about clocking requirements,
>        data packet formats, etc.  We are also worried because the centering
>        systems doesn't seem to work as in the glossy "Adventures of
>        Glove Master and Little Digit" instruction manual.  The sensor
>        LEDs are either all on or all off.  We are not able to get individual
>        LEDs to turn on/off based on glove motion.  Is this a clocking
>        problem?  If we get the clocking scheme working, we are going to
>        convert the data to RS232 and hook it up to a workstation.  Anyone
>        want to share some wisdom?
I just recently hooked my PowerGlove up to my Amiga and was able to get all
the LED's to light appropriately based on glove motion and finger flexing.
All the programs described in the book (which determine how the motions
are interpreted) work also (like the training mode that beeps when you
go off center.)  The Center button works too.  The Byte article
mentions that the length of the pulse is important (3-8 microseconds I think)
so that's one thing you might try varying.  I used pulses of about
7 microseconds.  The article also says it is important to clock data
out of the glove quickly and you can get a rough idea of the speed
required from the photo they show of a logic analyzer screen showing 
the relationship of the clock, reset and data pulses. (Assuming the top
pulse length is 4 us, it looks like they are sending out clocks every
20 us or so.)  

kp74615@nokikana.tut.fi (Karri Tapani Palovuori) (09/26/90)

>        ...the Eglowstein Byte article.

Sorry, I missed the original reference, which propably included the
issue number. I would be most grateful if someone could post it.


anh01033@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (09/30/90)

> Sorry, I missed the original reference, which propably included the
> issue number. I would be most grateful if someone could post it.
> -- Karri
It was the July issue of BYTE.
Andrew Hunt   University of Illinois Press  (a-hunt2@uiuc.edu)