[sci.virtual-worlds] Polhemus Tracker Info

jcn@cis.ohio-state.edu (James C. Nugen) (10/01/90)

Hello VR hackers!

I have been working on a homebrew VR system, and have some info
from my research others may be intereseted in.

The following is from some older Polhemus info I had:

  Polhemus, Inc.
  P.O. Box 560
  1 Hercules Drive
  Colchester, VT 05546
  802-655-1439 (FAX)

  3SPACE Isotrak(R)  $ 3,145
    Tracks a single sensor, can be used as a 3D mouse.

  3SPACE Tracker     $11,000
    Tracks multiple sensors, good for Eyephone, DataGlove, etc.

  3SPACE Digitizer   $13,900
    Tracks sensor mounted in a stylus for digitizing objects.

And for you hackers who want figure out how it works,
look up the following:

  Number:   3,983,474
  Title:    Tracking and Determining Orientation of Object using
            Coordinate Transformation Means, System and Process
  Inventor: Jack Kulpers
  Assignee: Polhemus Navigation Sciences, Inc.
  Date:     Sept. 28, 1976

  Number:   4,017,858
  Title:    Apparatus for Generating a Nutating Electromagnetic Field
  Inventor: Jack Kulpers
  Assignee: Polhemus Navigation Sciences, Inc.
  Date:     Apr. 12, 1977

I believe there was one other patent related to the ones above, but
I didn't get the information for it.

I originally got the patent info with thoughts of cloning the tracker in
mind. But the more I read about it and all the complaints researchers
in the VR field had about it, I decided to use a different approach.

I have a paper that describes a LED/optical based tracking system, but
I can't find it at the moment. I post more later!

James Nugen