[sci.virtual-worlds] CALL FOR VOTES : comp.graphics.visualization

andyrose@uunet.UU.NET (Andy Rose) (10/02/90)

This is a Call for Votes on creating comp.graphics.visualization

type: unmoderated for now

purpose: To provide an area for discussing the development of 
	 visualization as a science, including discussions of
	 development tools, biographies, current work at 
  	 national centers and other places.

voting period: please vote between 1 and 21 October 1990
	pass vote to andy@cornellf.tn.cornell.edu
        indicate YES or NO in all caps for convenience

	send comments to same address

	votes will be acknowledged in a single posting

	results will be announced before November

background:	several visualization professionals met a SIGGRAPH '90
	 to discuss the apparent or real lack of communication
	 in the field.  comp.graphics is to heavily used now.
	 This would be an excellent way for info about visualization
	 or other scientific data perception techniques to be exchanged,


Andrew Newkirk Rose '91 Department of Visualization CNSF/Theory Center
632 E & T Building, Hoy Road Ithaca, NY 14583  
607 254 8686  andy@cornellf.tn.cornell.edu