[sci.virtual-worlds] VR Study Group in Japan

hlr@uunet.UU.NET (Howard Rheingold) (10/05/90)

My friend Izumi Aizu of the Institute for Networking Design, sent me
the following notice. I consider him a reliable source.


   In the September 10th issue of the *Japan Economic Journal*, an
article appeared on a virtual reality study commission currently being
organized by Japan's Ministry of International Trade and Industry
(MITI). While MITI is involved in this project, the study group is
actually being established by the Japan Technology Transfer
Association (JTTAS), a non-profit organization advised by MITI
   Mr. Tachi, a MITI section director in charge of biorobotics and an
assistant professor at Tokyo University, is to be the chairman of the
newly formed virtual reality commission. Another assistant profesor at
Tokyo University, Mr. Hirose, will act as the group's deputy chairman.
The study commission's Steering Committee will be comprosed of two
personnel from an annex of MITI, one from each of the Advanced
Telecommunication Research Institute (ATR) and NTT's Human Interface
Laboratory, and professors from several of Japan's leading
universities. One of MITI's section chiefs and Professor Takemochi
Ishi of Tokyo University will form the Advisory Board of the
fledgeling commission.
   The study group will meet monthly to share information gathered on
international virtual reaplity projects and maintain open lines of
communication with overseas researchers. For an annual fee of 300,000
yen, anyone may become a member of the JTTAS group.
   Although there are no plans to design and develop virtual reality
equipment and software at this stage, the formation of the
MITI-affiliated study commission is an indication of the growing
interest in virtual reality in J apan.
   The first study group meeting will be held on October 19, 1990. The
session will open with a keynote speech entitled "The Social Impact of
Virtual Reality" by Professor Ishi, followed by a presentation on the
present and future of virtual reality. Mr. Tachi and various members
of the steering committee will then lead a panel discussion. The
meeting will conclude with a party. Free for members, non-members will
be charged 50,000 yen to attend the half-day event.
   For further information on the "Study Commission on the Development
of Virtual Reality," contact Mr. Ishikawa of JTTAS at:
81 3 584 4207 (voice) or 81 3 585 9369 (fax).