[sci.virtual-worlds] Neural Interfaces: S.V-W Policy

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (10/15/90)

Thanks for all your numerous email votes and comments
regarding the issue of neural interface technology.

Seriously, the votes were decidedly in favor of the
continued posting of neural interface technology
messages, with one caveat:  please discuss current
technology that is at least at the stage of being the
subject of basic research.  Applied research would be
even better.  The newsgroup wants to stay informed
about current developments and emerging trends; it
does not want to be carried away with speculations
about 22nd Century systems.
If, as many suspect, neural interface technology is
at least a half-century away, we may want to husband
our scarce online time to deal with things a bit
closer at hand most of the time.  

Thanks again for your input.  It was heartening to
have so many participating and helping to make this
tough choice.
Bob Jacobson
sci.virtual-worlds Moderator

PS  I'll now get on with the mail, which is really
good.  Hope to get it posted by tomorrow evening
(Monday, 10/15) or Tuesday latest.