[sci.virtual-worlds] Seven Questions about Virtual Worlds.

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (10/20/90)

Recently on The WELL, in response to a discussion of the treatment
accorded virtual interface technology by the popular press, I listed
seven questions that begged an answer.  These questions are not 
being treated in the popular press, which prefers to concentrate on
the more sensational aspects of the technology.
These questions extend the "virtual debate" beyond mere considerations
of machinery.  I hope you find them stimulating.  Subsequently, I will
post each question separately and hope that it stirs a little thought
about the larger issues confronting us as a community of interest.
I'll do them one at a time, so that the threads don't get overly
large and complex.
Let me know what you think about this process and if it contributes to
the success of the newsgroup.
Bob Jacobson