[sci.virtual-worlds] SIGGRAPH 91 Virtual Reality Gallery: Entries Invited!

cyberoid@milton.u.washington.edu (Robert Jacobson) (10/23/90)

To:     Scientists, Engineers, Researchers, Artists,
                Animation Specialists and Designers
From:   Steve E. Tice, SIGGRAPH '91,
                Virtual Reality Applications Gallery Chair
Subject:        Virtual Reality Application Gallery Participation
Date:   October  1990
You are invited to submit  your sample systems for the gallery of
Virtual Reality applications (VRAG) at ACM SIGGRAPH S 18th
International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive
Techniques in Las Vegas, Nevada, July 28 through August 2, 1991.
We are planning a high-quality, juried exhibition of the latest in
Virtual Reality based applications for attendee participation.
This is the debut of this type of exhibit at a SIGGRAPH
conference.  As a result, we expect that the gallery will draw
much attention.  The SIGGRAPH  91 planning committee has decided
that this gallery with its uniquely themed exhibit areas will be a
primary public relations focus for the show.  An audience of
25,000 to 30,000 computer graphics professionals and enthusiasts
will attend SIGGRAPH  91 in Las Vegas.  To participate, request
the VRAG Contributor's Pack from Leona Caffey at 312-644-6610.
For the SIGGRAPH '91 VRAG, you are invited to submit reliable,
useful reality environments in which attendees can actually grab
the 3D mice, joysticks, trackballs, and forceballs; strap on the
headgear, stereo eyewear, gloves, and suits; and enter a virtual
space, interact with the computer in innovative ways, and perform
realworld useful applications.
The VRAG jury will carefully review each submission for
innovation, technical merit, application significance, quality of
experience or content, ease of use of the virtual reality
features, and degree to which the entire user interface can be
accessed without extensive training.  The jury will let you know
its decision by first quarter 1991.  Videos submitted with
proposals may be used in the SIGGRAPH  91 marketing footage.  If
the information packet that is sent to you does not answer your
questions, call me for more information.  For booth information,
contact Barbara Voss at Robert T. Kenworthy, Inc., 212-752-0911.
Thanks very much for your support in establishing this new
computer graphics venue and we eagerly await you sharing your work
with us at Las Vegas!
Most Respectfully,
Steve E. Tice
Virtual Reality Application Gallery Chair
[Tice is president of SimGraphics, in L.A. I believe.  They make
the Flying Mouse.]