[sci.virtual-worlds] Desktop VR

kpiment@cadev6.intel.com (10/24/90)

        I have been working for some time on a research project here at
Intel to demonstrate VR running on a PC. Recently, this has yielded a
simple demo of VR using VPL Eyephones and a 6d 'ball' for movement control.
The real thrust of my research has been to implement textures in VR instead
of shaded polygons. I have taken advantage of some of Intel's graphics
technologies to do this and can now display a room that has wood pannelling
on the floor, patterned wall-paper on the walls and a picture hung on the
wall. I think you get the idea...
        The reason I am posting this note is to solicit feedback on whether
anyone would be interested in purchasing something like this. Currently,
this is not destined to become a product, but if there was sufficient
interest I might be able to convince Intel to make it available. I am
interested in talking to anyone that is in the market for semi-affordable
VR. Reply to me by email.

Preliminary Specs:
                400-600 shaded polygons at 10 frames per sec, transformed
                and rendered or 100-200 textured polygons at the same rate.
                Intel 486 25Mhz PC running DOS 4.01
                8Mb Memory
                150Mb HD, Color VGA monitor + misc.
                somewhere around 15k for the hardware above
                plus about 5k for VR related development software

Kenneth Pimentel
Intel Corp.
Advanced Human Interface Group