[sci.virtual-worlds] VR in libraries

sac@Apple.COM (Steve Cisler) (10/23/90)

I'm writing a short article on the recent Cyberthon festival
in San Francisco as well as some speculation about possible uses
for VR in (in place of?) libraries.  If any of you readers have
some ideas, please post them here. I would like to summarize them
for the article and will cite my sources.  Dan Mocsny of the U.
of Cincinnati posted one a couple of years ago. If he is still
interested in this subject, I'd like to hear any updates he had
Steve Cisler
Apple Library

rpi@uunet.UU.NET (David Reed) (10/26/90)

We are RPI Advanced Technology Group, specializing in Synthetic Digital
Environments (SDE's). A project backgrounder should be ported over soon, re:
our work. We would like to offer our associates a deal on the new 6D input
device known as THE BIRD. It is faster, less prone to near-metal-distortion,
andhas many other advantages over most contemporary systems. Use our name: RPI
and our USENET order code 667 when you order your first one and get $15.00
Call Jack Scully at 1-802-655-7879, U.S.A. for more details